New Year’s Resolutions for 2023

New Year’s Resolutions for 2023

Let me guess. You’re thinking that you need to exercise more, drink less, eat better, work less, earn more and learn to speak French or play the piano. Same list as last year? Me too.

January 2023 is a great time to think a little deeper about what you want your life to look like a year from now and starting to make it happen. As Abraham Lincoln said ‘the best way to predict your future is to create it’.

We really like these suggestions from Aisles of Life:

1. Get more organised at work and at home

2. Stop worrying about what others think and about things you can’t control

3. Start living in the moment

4. Spend more time with the people who are important to you

5. Stand up for yourself

6. Be more optimistic

7. Quit an unfulfilling job and change career

8. Stop holding grudges, forgive others and let go of the past.

9. Try new things, even if they seem scary

10. Learn when to say No and when to say Yes

11. Enrol in course to gain more knowledge and to learn new skills or to improve the ones you have

12. Get out of your shell, make new friends and find ways to become more confident

13. Travel more, even if only locally

14. Make better financial decisions by earning more, saving more, investing wisely and budgeting well

15. Reduce social media use

16. End bad habits that have been holding you back

17. Let go of toxic friends and unhealthy relationships

18. Read more books

19. Adopt a more sustainable lifestyle

20. Give back to the community through volunteering, donations or random acts of kindness


If finding a new role is top of your list this year, we can help you with your CV preparation (Tips for CV Writing – Cavendish Maine) and job search. Just Contact Us and we can start the process.