Sales Managers – Template for Annual Performance Review

Sales Managers – Template for Annual Performance Review

Last November we published an Insight that covered conducting an annual performance review and we had good feedback on the content as well as a request for a document that Sales Manager’s could use to structure, assess and report on an annual performance review.


We are pleased to offer it as a template. You might need to adapt it to meet your specific needs but, as you will see, it aims to define the purpose of the role, summarise the skills required to achieve it and allow the manager and team member to provide scores for each competency.


The content should be consistent with the job description for the role but it might evolve depending on market conditions and the needs of specific sales territories.


If you need any assistance with preparing for, conducting and following up your performance appraisals please let us know, we are happy to help. Remember that your team value the time that you invest in their annual performance review and they have the potential to lock-in or disengage team members so it is important to get it right!


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